The management philosophy designed by RM Engenharia allows its team to advance in the performance of services under the principles of its Integrated Management System Policy and in accordance with its respective Mission, Vision and Values.


RM Engenharia is committed to provide project services, civil construction, structural reinforcement and recovery of concrete, building renovation, metal structure and electromechanical assembly, in line with its mission, vision and values, strictly complying with the legal requirements of Safety, Occupational Health and Environment through the pursuit of continuous improvement and a modern management philosophy, from the following foundations:


Constantly seek the excellence of our activities and the satisfaction of our clients;
Goal: Increase the company's market share as a result of customer satisfaction.


Incorporate to each service the concern with preservation, prevention of pollution and significant impacts to the environment;
Goal: Reduce environmental impacts resulting from our production processes.

Safety and Occupational Health

Concentrate efforts on ensuring the integrity of each employee;
Goal: Reduce risks of occupational accidents and diseases in the company's activities.



Contribute in a consistent way to the improvement and growth of the community in which it operates, incorporating in its services, continuous improvement of the their quality, constant concern with the development, integrity of its employees and preservation of the environment.


To be recognized as an engineering services company that differentiates itself by its Management Policy, which leads us to a solid and sustainable growth, to the full satisfaction of clients and to lasting partnerships.


Business Transparency; High ethical and behavioral standards of all employees; Strict compliance with legal requirements: Labor/Tax/Safety/ Occupational Health and Environment and other applicable requirements; Respect to our clients' Management Policies.

The constant demand for excellence in services is a basic concern, leading the Company to a systematic investment in improvement, such as in the certification of its Integrated Management System - Quality (ISO 9001), Safety and Occupational Health (OHSAS 18001) and Environment (ISO 14001).

This management policy goes beyond, incorporating to the company's services concerns about the preservation of the human being and the environment. The solidity of this attitude about Safety, Occupational Health and the Environment, and the recognized Quality of its services, meets the stated goals and establishes RM Engenharia as a differentiated company.


The emphasis on the human being as a differential factor in RM Engenharia's philosophy extends to its team, generating massive investments in human resources, through careful selections, intensive training and improvements in the work environment. The strict fulfillment of the labor and social obligations is complemented by the concentrated effort in the guarantee of our employees' integrity, through our solid management policy.


Permanent evaluation of the impact of our activity on the Environment enabled the Company to identify the most appropriate handling of waste from constructions, either internally at construction sites with materials and recyclable storage bays or in the use of licensed sites for final waste.

In order to reinforce the team's awareness of the Company's Environmental Policy, lectures (Environment Dialogue - in portuguese DMA) are held with the most up-to-date environmental issues.


RM Engenharia considers the individual integrity of its team members a priority element of its management, which generates a whole effort directed to Safety, through lectures (Daily Safety Dialogue - in portuguese DDS), periodic internal inspections and audits, task risk analysis and the elaboration of a manual with safety procedures.

Solid human benefits were produced by the partnership with SESMT/FIRJAN, responsible for the elaboration and updating of the Occupational Health and Safety Management Programs (PCMSO/PPRA/PCMAT), conducting and analyzing medical exams, and consulting on relevant legislation.


In order to offer customers a differentiated service, the Company has developed the Quality Plan and Procedures, keeping them up-to-date with the adoption of appropriate technological evolutions, improvement of construction methods and a dynamic and consistent planning.

The engineering technical staff is composed of professionals with recognized experience, who work with well-designed goals: to obtain effective solutions to the most complex challenges, to guarantee high quality services, and to maintain the commitment with the established deadlines and at the best costs.

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