Founded in November 1994, RM Engenharia is a company specialized in providing project services, civil construction, building renovation, recovery and reinforcement of concrete structures and electromechanical assembly.

RM Engenharia has its activities and businesses guided by the set of values that observe the highest ethical and moral standards, whose partners and employees are responsible not only for its dissemination, but also for their use in conducting activities.

This Ethics and Behavior Code is therefore an instrument designed to guide all those who work at RM Engenharia, who are responsible for the company's reputation with its clients, government agencies, municipalities and other public agencies, its suppliers, its competitors, community, unions, etc.



To offer a consistent way for the improvement and growth of the community in which it operates, incorporating in its services, continuous improvement of the quality of its work, constant attention with the development and integrity of its employees, and preservation of the environment.


To be recognized as a service company that differentiates itself by its Management Policy, which leads us to a solid and sustainable growth, its clients' satisfaction and lasting partnerships.


- Business Transparency;

- High ethical and behavioral standards of all employees;

- Strict compliance with legal requirements: Labor / Tax / Safety / Occupational Health / Environment and other applicable requirements;

- Respect to our Clients' Management Policies.


This Ethics and Behavior Code has the following objectives:

- Define principles and reference behavior, ethics and established values to be observed and followed by all partners and employees.

- Strengthen the image and reputation of the company, and its professionals, in order to contribute to its development.

- Define basic principles for conducting the business of the company.

- To obtain, as a result, appropriate behaviors and permanent practices that are in perfect harmony with the rules described in this Code, without exceptions, understanding that it is possible to guarantee the integrity and welfare of the individuals that somehow constitute and enjoy our workforce.


This code applies to partners, employees and outsourced employees of RM Engenharia.


Code – Set of rules, laws or standards.

Ethics – Evaluation of what is fair and appropriate to human behavior for the achievement of good, involving obedience to what is not mandatory.

Behavior – Moral procedure, behavior.

Ethics and Behavior Code – Norms that rule the performance of the company and what it expects from its members, employees, partners and suppliers.

Values – The company's permanent commitment to society in general, to the people who work with it and to whom it relates.


- Transparency in the relationship with stakeholders and in the operations carried out.

- Legality.

- Respect and valorization of the human being.

- Commitment to quality and continuous improvement.

- Search for a sustainable balance between social, economic and environmental dimensions.

- Encouragement to personal and professional development.

- Respect for diversity.

- Search for excellence in customer service.

- Respect and preservation of the environment.

- Social responsability.

- Respect and preservation of RM Engenharia, public and third parties properties.


RM Engenharia maintains the Ethics and Behavior Committee with responsibility for the management of this code and the following:

- - To continuously evaluate the norms contained in the Ethics and Behavior Code, revising it, when necessary, administratively and / or legally;

- To resolve doubts on the interpretation of this code;

- Establish situations of violation of the Ethics and Behavior Code and apply sanctions if necessary;

- Promote periodic training to disseminate the ethics code and respective standards of behavior;

- Encourage compliance with fundamental principles, practices, policies and procedures;

- Ensure the disclosure and dissemination of this code;

- Operate the items provided for in the Ethics and Behavior Code.



Interpersonal Relationships

It is the duty of all partners and employees to have a relationship in the work environment and in all the RM Engenharia facilities, based on positive, cordial, loyal, respectful, transparent attitudes, focusing on results, maintaining team spirit and professionalism, always aiming at the development of the company.


All partners and employees shall perform their duties and activities in an ethical and transparent way, without any form of self-favor or otherwise, combating any practices relating to bribery, corruption or coercion for misuse of position.


Partners and employees, regardless of their hierarchical position, shall perform their functions based on ethical behavior, without prejudice of origin, race, sex, color, age or any other form of discrimination.

Health and Safety at Work

The Company commits itself to watch over the health and safety of the people who work for the it through actions and compliance with laws and internal norms related to Health and Safety in order to preserve workers in a healthy environment and with quality of life at work.

Information Confidentiality

The employees of RM Engenharia will perform their functions and activities, in an ethical and transparent way, guaranteeing the confidentiality of strategic information of the company under their responsibility.

Information Right

All those who perform their activities at RM Engenharia are committed to the dissemination of information that contributes to the quality of the work or institutional information of interest to the staff and employees.

Essential Duties of Employees:

- Respect the Ethics Code and behave in accordance with the responsibilities of each one position and function.

- Use the official working time to fulfill their duties, and specifically those in leadership role should not encourage or require their subordinates to take the official time to perform activities other than those required for the performance of their tasks or duties.

- Employees at all hierarchical levels should be involved in maintaining the company's image with the public. Honesty, integrity, seriousness, firmness, reliability, cordiality, responsibility and efficiency are basic ingredients for building this image.

- According to the position and function, look after the company's properties and for documentation custody and preservation.

- The observance of the highest standards of honesty and integrity in the company's work relations and in the contacts with the administrators and the public sector should be a basic premise in the company.

- Do not make comments of a political or religious nature.

- In case of situations that may harm the company, supervisors should be notified immediately.

- Respect the relations and acts regulated by Brazilian law, being unacceptable improper behavior related to illegal activities.

- To make and maintain a safe workplace, strictly following the Company's health and safety policies, with special emphasis on protecting the environment.

- Do not physically or morally attack anyone, as well as not threaten, intimidate or harass.


Employees who violate the Behavior Code will be subject to disciplinary penalties that may terminate their employment contracts. RM Engenharia considers violations as:

- Act in disagreement with the Code.

- Ask someone else to violate it.

- Be aware of acts that violate the Code and not immediately inform your superiors.

- Retaliate employees who have reported a concern with ethical behavior, or a violation of the Code.


Ethical Principles

Relationships with clients should be guided by honesty, transparency, professionalism and mutual respect in negotiations and contract management.

Customer service

Customer service should be based on the fundamental principles of this Code, seeking excellence in service and the client's full satisfaction through the presented solutions and proposals.

Product/Service Information and Specification

All customers will be assured of true and clear information about the characteristics of the products and/or services offered by RM Engenharia, as well as the appropriate specification to the client's needs and demands.

Information Confidentiality

All clients are guaranteed the confidentiality of the information entrusted to RM Engenharia.


Ethical Principles

Relationships with partners, suppliers and service providers should be guided by honesty, transparency, professionalism and mutual respect in negotiations and contract management. All partners, suppliers and service providers must agree with the ethical values ​​of RM Engenharia and the fundamental principles of this code.

Child Labor and Slave Labor

In no case will RM Engenharia be associated with contributors, partners, suppliers and service providers who use or in their production chain whether child and/or slave labor.

Criteria for Selection of Partners, Suppliers and Service Providers

The selection and hiring of partners, suppliers and service providers must be based on technical, professional and ethical criteria, according to the needs of RM Engenharia, through the use of impartial and fair evaluation processes.

Information Confidentiality

All partners, suppliers and service providers are guaranteed the confidentiality of the information entrusted to RM Engenharia.


The relationship with the competition will be established within the ethical principles adopted by RM Engenharia, with loyalty and in compliance with all applicable legislation, rules and practices accepted by the market.


Ethical Principles

RM Engenharia's relationship with federal, state and municipal government agencies, as well as with autarchies and other public agencies, will be based on respect, legality, transparency and legitimacy in the contesting of abusive, discriminatory or incorrect legal or fiscal measures, which will be done by administrative or legal actions in the competent levels.

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribe

RM Engenharia does not accept that any form of payment or benefit (including offering of gifts, hospitality, etc.) can be offered to an authority or employee of the direct or indirect public administration, be it federal, state or municipal, national or foreign, as well as exchange of advantages, to obtain or maintain business or any commercial advantage.


Ethical Principles

The relationships with the communities in which RM Engenharia operates must be guided by transparency, legality and harmony, respecting the people, their traditions, values and current legislation, promoting sustainable development, seeking to preserve quality of life and the image of the company.

Social Projects

RM Engenharia may institute, promote or participate in projects of a social, environmental and/or educational nature, as well as solidarity campaigns with surrounding communities that aim at the development of citizenship.


RM Engenharia maintains a relationship of respect and does not discriminate against union members.


The activities of employees and collaborators and their personal relationships should not conflict with the interests of RM Engenharia. Employees and collaborators should:

- Ensure that external activities does not generate conflicts in relation to the interests of the company. Not to use the name of the company, position, function, activity, benefits, and influence to obtain benefits or personal advantages, including to relatives, ex-relatives or related people.

- Not let personal relationships influence decision making in relation to customers, suppliers, partners and competitors.

- Not provide services to suppliers, customers, competitors and others that present a conflict of interest.

- Obtain prior authorization, in accordance with specific policies, to carry out any activity on behalf of the Company, or use its name or its facilities.

- Not make use of your hierarchical position to invade the privacy of another employee in work relationships.


Ethical conflicts, misconduct and any reports or complaints of non-observance of this code should be forwarded to the Ethics and Behavior Committee, and all messages should be sent through the following communication channels:

- E-mail: contato@rmrodrigues.com.br

- Address: Rua Almirante Grenfall, nº 405 – Bloco 03 – Salas 105, 106, 609 e 610 – Parque Duque – Duque de Caxias – RJ – CEP: 25085-135.

- Phone: +55 21 3661-9700.

RM Engenharia rejects the practice of empty, conspiratorial or vengeful complaint. Everyone is guaranteed the confidentiality of the information.


(employees and collaborators)

I, ______________________________________ (name of employee or collaborator), employee or collaborator of RM Engenharia, declare that I have read and understood the Ethics and Behavior Code and agree with the values stated therein.

I furthermore declare that I am aware that the adjustment of my behavior to these values is part of my obligations and I assume the responsibility and the commitment to report at any appropriate levels any behavior or situation that may be of my knowledge and that is in disagreement with established values and behaviors.

Rio de Janeiro, ________________________ of ________.




See also:


Our Profile

CEO's Curriculum Vitae

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